Peter Cullen Burbery, student at Marshall University, welcomes you to his home page.

The goal of the ITER project is to harness fusion energy by 2035.

ITER means the Way in Latin. ITER is a collaboration between China, the EU, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States. ITER will use a tokamak device to fuse hydrogen atoms into helium while releasing energy in the process. ITER will achieve Q=10 by December 2035.

ITER will pave the way for unlimited sustainable energy. Fusion energy is clean and good for the environment. Fusion energy is also limitless and will solve the problem of global warming.

I have a YouTube channel I post videos about things I’m interested in.

  • How to download install and use Go

    The website for Go is https://go.dev/.

    The downloads can be found at https://go.dev/dl/.

    I am downloading go1.22.2.windows-amd64.msi.

    We will start installing Go.

    There is a license for Go. The license prohibits saying that Google or Go contributors endorse you without written permission.

    Choose the Go installation folder.

    Installation requires administrator privileges.

    We are waiting for Go to install.

    Go is making some progress.

    Go is almost done installing.

    The setup is complete.

    I type go in Powershell.

    Here is an example of using Go to install Cheat. For more details, see https://github.com/cheat/cheat/blob/master/INSTALLING.md.

    go install github.com/cheat/cheat/cmd/cheat@latest

    Cheat is done installing.

    Let’s run cheat for the first time.

    Cheat is now working.

    Here are some examples.

    Here is an example with the Linux date command.

    WordPress is a very good tool to make a technology blog about something that is interesting.

  • Date time scripts

    I have created two 2 scripts and uploaded them to my GitHub repository at https://github.com/PeterCullenBurbery/date-time-scripts.

    I have also uploaded a profile for Kali Linux with a .zshrc file.

    If you replace your .zshrc file with the .zshrc file on the repository, running date will return an ISO week date. The other script returns an ISO ordinal date. The goal is to be ISO-8601-compliant. My script also supports other days like

    isoweekdate --date="2024-04-11"


    isoordinaldate --date="2024-04-11"

    If you are using Ubuntu or Linux Mint Cinnamon, I have also included a .bashrc file for use.

    I realize that there might be an issue with the username. I was working on Windows Subystem for Linux (WSL) 2 Ubuntu and I got an error.

    The solution is to change your username from peter in the document to in this case, wealthy-well-to-do.

    Here is how I will do the replacement. I press Ctrl+H.

    Now the changes are applied.

    The program is working correctly now.

    Find the current date.

    Here I specify a date.

    Here I specify the ordinal date.

    Here is where I work on the setup in Kali Linux.

    I have now copied both scripts over.

    I’ve copied the .zshrc file over but before I reload I need to change the username.

    I reload in Kali with exec zsh. I tried source ~/.zshrc and it didn’t work.

    Here I use the commands some.

    WordPress is a very good tool to make a technology blog about something that is interesting.

  • Installing qBitTorrent

    qBitTorrent is an alternative to BitTorrent.

    We will visit the download page.

    The download is from FOSS Hub.

    Step 1:

    I will not close other applications.

    I choose what to install.

    qBitTorrent is installing.

    There is a notice.

    Here is the interface. I like that it doesn’t have pay to make ads go away like BitTorrent.

    Maybe in the future I will add an example of a test torrent here. LibreOffice does have a torrent but I already downloaded and installed LibreOffice so I neither want to nor need to download LibreOffice through the torrent again. Maybe there’s a way to create a torrent for a small file that could be used as a test.

    WordPress is a very good tool to make a technology blog about something that is interesting.